May 27, 2008

Information Technology

Imagining lots of works to be done made me so hard to wake up. It's seems so very very hard to open my eyes. I must call this week 'a week of IT' cause lots of works must be done related to IT. Even on Sunday I have to do IT things. Yes, this Sunday.

I think it's nice though to do such things. There are lots of ups and downs. Like last year, when I participate in ICT Award 2007. It gave lots of memories. I put a photo when I was in Jakarta. It was held in JCC for about 3 days if I can recall it.

Anyway, recently, I still got this lazy things. Do not have any good moods to do anything.

May 24, 2008


Let's call my first post as the Genesis. It took me a very long time to write since I signed up this blog. A little bit of confusion, about what should I put in this blog, should I put all of my thoughts in here, should I trust the world, or anything like that.

My English is not very good, but I hope you could understand the things I write. And I hope this blog could me my English becomes better and better. Feel free to give advices or comments to me.

small bUt HEAVY... where those come from? I cannot recall, but for sure I am not small and I am not heavy. Wanna be free is what I like to be. Aaahhh... thinking about that, it's a beautiful world.

I am just an ordinary guy from Indonesia. You can call me -nj-. A very nice place that best known of its thousand of islands. Lots of things could be explore in here. So many cultures, people... I have a dream to go around the world, visiting as many places as I can. But, I still cannot make it come true. First, financial problem that's for fact, and second, still don't have a gut to do it.

Let this blog represent me to the world. See me as you've never seen me before (for all of you that have known me before), and I'm welcoming the world to enter into my life.